Stock Trading | 4 Things To Avoid When Market Is Volatile
Volatility is not the trigger; it is the manifestation of the problem. Michael porter of Valiant Markets shares simple things you need to avoid when you're in the middle of unpredictable trading.
Don't rush for the exits.
You don't have to run for exits the instant you notice instability. Know, volatility is part and parcel of the trading. More often than not, it is induced by external causes, and the uncertainty will quell along with the catalyst.
When markets become unpredictable, it is time to take stock of your portfolio and stick to the winners and dilute your positions in the stocks that are most susceptible. Don't just transform everything into currency.
Don't be overly enthusiastic about bottom fishing.
If stocks break more than 10% in a short period with a spike in uncertainty, markets will seldom show a V-shaped rebound. The recovery will be phased out and averaged over time. Usually, stocks stabilize when the last, weakened hand is exasperated and exits the exchange. Markets, therefore bottom out in the midst of disinterest and not uncertainty. Michael porter of Valiant Markets shares "You're likely to get better deals on most stocks— Be mindful how you fish the bottom of those markets."
Don't dive into domains that triggered the volatility in the first place.
This is a vital takeaway for the investor. Take a closer look at the segments that have driven bear markets in the past, such as cement, future technologies, real estate, capital goods, etc. It was never the stocks that caused the recovery. At best, they might witness a short-lived upward trend in a largely declining trajectory.
Don't push your luck too far with future positions.
If markets are unpredictable, the last thing you need to do is leverage yourself. There are different forms of influences that you must avoid. Stop borrowing and saving just because markets appear affordable. You could take a hit in both directions. Second, refrain from too much quick selling as well. ⠀
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